Management Services is one of the Branches in CSD HO which takes care of the following:
- Coordination with Deputy Director General Canteen Services, Firms /Suppliers, Regional Managers, Depot Managers and Sections within the Head Office.
- Formulation and issue of all policy circulars, publications.
- Initiate action to create Consumer Awareness and Empowerment.
- Market Research and Quality Control. The following aspects are covered under Market Research:
- Testing of all products listed in CSD through Govt recognised Labs.
- Redressal of Complaints.
- Consumer Promotion Schemes.
- Market Survey.
- Factory Inspection.
This branch is headed by an Asst. Gen. Manager (Secy) who is also the Secretary to Board of Administration.
The main functions of Secretariat Branch are as under:
- Registration of Unit Run Canteens (URCs)
- Processing of application for loan to URCs
- Maintaining of Change of Dependency due to movement of URCs
- Updating change in name / Re-designation /amalgamation and closure of URCs.
- Processing applications for New Introduction of items and completion of all activities till its approval by BOA.
Finance and Accounts Branch of CSD controls the finance activities of CSD. This includes all payments to suppliers (Except AFD payments), monitoring the Bank Guarantee issues and processing the debit and credit notes pertaining to supplier received from the Depots. In addition to this, the entire fund flow from Head Office to 35 Area Depots is managed by this branch. The Branch is headed by a Deputy General Manager (Finance & Accounts) duly assisted by three Assistant General Managers. Further, F & A branch controls the finance activities and accounting of all 35 Depots including salary of employees and also compiles the Annual accounts of CSD.
This branchdeals with all matters pertaining to Manpower Management and is headed by a Deputy General Manager (Personnel & Administration) who reports to the Joint General Manager-II. It deals with all matters pertaining to recruitment, promotion, transfer, pay fixation, retirement, pension & appraisals. Sections dealing with all major and minor works, Legal & HRD also reports to DGM (P&A).
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) branch of the Canteen Stores Department is headed by DGM (EDP) assisted byan AGM (EDP) and is responsible for the complete Content Management of the CSD website, handling and maintaining of IT inventory of CSD HO, forecasting orders to be generated by CSD HO, maintaining and managing email services and implementation of IT Projects related to Inventory Management. EDP department is also responsible for all database management, Networking planning and implementation, installing of new systems, upgradation of systems in various departments and Securities like Anti-Virus, Internet, firewall etc.
All items listed in CSD are categorized into seven groups each dealing with different product category as follows:- Group I – Toiletries, Group II – Household Requisites, Group III – General Use Items, Group IV – Wrist watches & Stationery, Group V – Liquor, Group VI – Food & Medicinal Items, Group VII – 4 Wheelers, 2 Wheelers & White goods.
After introduction of an item, which is processed by the Secretariat branch, further action viz. Issue of New Introduction circular, Release of Initial orders etc are carried out by the Stores branch.
Stores branch is divided into three major Groups:
- General Stores (GS) Branch dealing with items pertaining to Groups I, II & III.
- LIF branch – denoting Liquor, Import & Food items – dealing with items pertaining to Groups IV, V, VI
- AFD Section dealing with items pertaining to Group VII.
Stores branch deals in matters relating to placement of regular orders, Change in case pack, grammage, terms of delivery, revision of prices etc.
As the name denotes, this Section deals with items for which demand once placed cannot be cancelled by the indenter. These items are not stocked in CSD Depots but are specifically procured against firm demand received from the indenter.
- AFD – I : deals with 4 wheelers, 2 wheelers, white goods viz. TV, Refrigerator, Washing machine, Microwave oven etc. These are items for which the individual submits his/ her demand along with payment for the item to CSD Depot and after necessary documentation, delivery of the item is taken by the customer from the authorized dealer.
- AFD – II : deals with costly items like Mattresses, Sun glasses, Vacuum cleaner etc. for which firm demand is placed by the URC on dependent CSD Depot. Depot after getting such firm demands place order with the concerned manufacturer and issue them on receipt.